Libzim 7 transition guide ========================= Libzim7 change a lot of things in the API and in the way we use namespaces (reflected in the API changes). This part is a document helping to do the transition from libzim6 to libzim7. Namespace handling ------------------ In libzim6 namespaces were exposed to the user. It was to the user to handle them correctly. Libzim6 was not doing any assumption about the namespaces. However, the usage (mainly from libkiwix) was to store metadata in ``M`` namespace, articles in ``A`` and image/video in ``I``. On the opposite side, libzim7 hides the concept of namespace and handle it for the user. While namespaces are still present and used in the zim format, they have vanished from the libzim api. For information (but it is not important to use libzim), we now store all "user content" in ``C`` namespace. Metadata are stored in ``M`` namespace and we use few other (``X``, ``W``) for some internal content. "User content" are accessed using "classic" method to get content. Metadata, illustration and such are accessed using specific method. An article stored in ``A`` namespace before ("A/index.html") is now accessed simply using "index.html". (It is stored in "C/index.html" in new format, but you must not specify the namespace in the new api). Compatibility ------------- libzim6 is agnostic about the namespaces. They are exposed to the user, whatever if we are reading a new or old zim file. It is up to the user to correctly handle namespaces (mainly, content are now in ``C`` instead of ``A``/``I``). libzim7 tries to be smart about the transition. It will look in the right namespace, depending of the zim file. Accessing "index.html" should work whatever if we use old or new namespace scheme. Accessing article/entry ----------------------- Getting one entry ................. In libzim6 accessing an ``Article`` was done using a ``File`` instance. You then had to check for the `Article` validity before using it. .. code-block:: c++ auto f = zim::File("foo.zim"); auto a = f.getArticleByUrl("A/index.html"); if (!a.good()) { std::cerr << "No article "A/index.html" << std::endl; } In libzim7 you access a |Entry| using a |Archive| instance. If there the entry is not found, a exception is raised. .. code-block:: c++ auto a = zim::Archive("foo.zim"); try { auto e = a.getEntryByPath("index.html"); } catch (zim::EntryNotFound& e) { std::cerr << "No entry "index.html" << std::endl; } Redirection ........... Article in libzim6 may be a redirection to another article or a article containing data. You had to check the kind of the article before using the right set of method. Using a method on a wrong kind was undefined behavior. .. code-block:: c++ auto article = [...]; if (article.isRedirect()) { auto target = article.getRedirectArticle(); } else { auto blob = article.getData(); } In libzim7, |Entry| is a kind of intermediate structure, either redirecting to another entry or a item. A |Item| is the structure containing the data. .. code-block:: c++ auto entry = [...]; if (entry.isRedirect()) { auto target = entry.getRedirectEntry(); } else { auto item = entry.getItem(); auto blob = item.getData(); } As a common usage is to get the item associated to the entry while resolving the redirection chain, it is possible to do this easily : .. code-block:: c++ auto entry = [...]; // Resolve any redirection chain and return the final item. auto item = entry.getItem(true); auto blob = item.getData() Iteration ......... To iterate on article with libzim6 you had to use the ``begin*`` method to get a iterator. You may iterate until ``end()`` was reached. .. code-block:: c++ auto file = [...]; for(auto it = file.beginByUrl(); it!=file.end(); it++) { auto article = *it; [...] } If you wanted to iterate on article starting by a url prefix it was a bit more complex : .. code-block:: c++ auto file = [...]; auto it = file.find("A/ind"); while(!it.is_end() && it->getUrl().startWith("A/ind")) { auto article = *it; [...] it++; } In libzim7 you get |EntryRange| on which you can easily iterate on: .. code-block:: c++ auto archive = [...]; for(auto entry : archive.iterByPath()) { [...] } .. code-block:: c++ auto archive = [...]; for(auto entry : archive.findByPath("ind")) { [...] } Searching --------- In libzim6 searching was made the only class ``Search`` .. code-block:: c++ auto f = zim::File("foo.zim"); auto search = zim::Search(&f); search.set_query("bar"); search.set_range(10, 30); for (auto it =search.begin(); it!=search.end(); it++) { std::cout << "Found result " << it.get_url() << std::endl; } In libzim7 you search starting from a |Searcher|. .. code-block:: c++ // Create a searcher, something to search on an archive zim::Searcher searcher(archive); // We need a query to specify what to search for zim::Query query; query.setQuery("bar"); // Create a search for the specified query zim::Search search =; // Now we can get some result from the search. // 20 results starting from offset 10 (from 10 to 30) zim::SearchResultSet results = search.getResults(10, 20); // SearchResultSet is iterable for(auto entry: results) { std::cout << entry.getPath() << std::endl; } While it may seems a bit more complex (and it is), it has the main advantage to allow reusing of the different instance : - |Searcher| is what we are searching on, we can do several search on it without recreating a internal xapian database. - |Query| is what we are searching for. - |Search| is a specific search. - |SearchResultSet| is a set of result for a |Search|, it allow getting particular results without having to search several times. Suggestion ---------- In libzim6 suggestion was made using the same class ``Search`` but by setting the suggestion mode before iterating on the results. .. code-block:: c++ auto f = zim::File("foo.zim"); auto search = zim::Search(&f); search.set_query("bar"); search.set_range(10, 30); search.set_suggestion_mode(true); // <<< for (auto it =search.begin(); it!=search.end(); it++) { std::cout << "Found result " << it.get_url() << std::endl; } If the zim file had no suggestion database, the suggestion search was made on full text database (with variable results). In libzim7 you do suggestion using |SuggestionSearcher| API : .. code-block:: c++ // Create a searcher, something to search on an archive zim::SuggestionSearcher searcher(archive); // Create a search for the specified query zim::SuggestionSearch search ="bar"); // Now we can get some result from the search. // 20 results starting from offset 10 (from 10 to 30) zim::SuggestionResultSet results = search.getResults(10, 20); // SearchResultSet is iterable for(auto entry: results) { std::cout << entry.getPath() << std::endl; } Creating a zim file ------------------- Creating a zim file with libzim6 was pretty complex. One had to inherit the ``zim::writer::Creator`` to provide the main url. Then it had to inherit from ``zim::writer::Article`` to be able to add different kind of article to the zim file. .. code-block:: c++ class MyCreator: public zim::writer::Creator { Url getMainUrl() const { return Url('A', "index.html"); } }; class RedirectArticle : public zim::writer::Article { public: RedirectArticle(const std::string& title, const std::string& url, const std::string& target) : title(title), url(url), target(target) {} bool isRedirect() const { return true; } zim::writer::Url getUrl() const { return url; } std::string getTitle() const { return title; } zim::writer::Url getRedirectUrl() const { return target; } private: std::string title; std::string url; std::string target; }; class ContentArticle: public zim::writer::Article { ContentArticle(const std::string& title, const std::string& url, const std::string& mimetype, const std::string& content) : title(title), url(url), mimetype(mimetype), content(content) {} bool isRedirect() const { return false; } zim::writer::Url getUrl() const { return url; } std::string getTitle() const { return title; } std::string getMimeType() const { return mimetype; } Blob getData() const { return Blob(, content.size()); } private: std::string title; std::string url; std::string mimetype; std::string content; }; int main() { MyCreator creator(); creator.startZimCreation("out_file.zim"); std::shared_ptr article = std::make_shared("A article", "A/article", "text/html", "A content"); creator.addArticle(article); std::shared_ptr redirect = std::make_shared("A redirect", "A/redirect", "A/article"); creator.addArticle(redirect); creator.finishZimCreation(); } On libzim7, you don't have to inherit the |Creator|. Redirect and metadata are added using |addRedirection| and |addMetadata|. You still may have to inherit |WriterItem| but default implementation are provided (|StringItem|, |FileItem|). .. code-block:: c++ int main() { zim::writer::Creator creator; creator.startZimCreation(); creator.addRedirection("A/redirect", "A redirect", "A/article"); std::shared_ptr item = std::make_shared("article", "text/html", "A article", {}, "A content"); creator.addItem(item); creator.finishZimCreation(); } Metadata and Illustration ......................... Metadata are adding using |addMetadata|. You don't have to create a specific item in ``M`` namespace. The creator now create the ``M/Counter`` metadata for you. You don't have (and must not) add a ``M/Counter`` yourself. Favicon has been deprecated in favor of Illustration. In libzim6, you had to add a file in ``I`` namespace and add a ``-/favicon`` redirection to the file. In libzim7, you have to use the |addIllustration| method. Hints ..... Hints are a new concept in libzim7. This is a generic way to pass information to the creator about how to handle item/redirection. An almost mandatory hint to pass is the hint ``FRONT_ARTICLE`` (|HintKeys|). ``FRONT_ARTICLE`` mark entry (item or redirection) as main article for the reader (typically a html page in opposition to a resource file as css, js, ...). Random and suggestion feature will search only in entries marked as ``FRONT_ARTICLE``. If no entry are marked as ``FRONT_ARTICLE``, all entries will be used. .. Declare some replacement helpers .. |Archive| replace:: :class:`zim::Archive` .. |EntryRange| replace:: :class:`zim::Archive::EntryRange` .. |Entry| replace:: :class:`zim::Entry` .. |Item| replace:: :class:`zim::Item` .. |EntryNotFound| replace:: :class:`zim::EntryNotFound` .. |Searcher| replace:: :class:`zim::Searcher` .. |Search| replace:: :class:`zim::Search` .. |Query| replace:: :class:`zim::Query` .. |SearchResultSet| replace:: :class:`zim::SearchResultSet` .. |SuggestionSearcher| replace:: :class:`zim::SuggestionSearcher` .. |getEntryByPath| replace:: :func:`getEntryByPath` .. |getEntryByTitle| replace:: :func:`getEntryByTitle` .. |findByPath| replace:: :func:`findByPath` .. |findByTitle| replace:: :func:`findByTitle` .. |Creator| replace:: :class:`zim::writer::Creator` .. |WriterItem| replace:: :class:`zim::writer::Item` .. |StringItem| replace:: :class:`zim::writer::StringItem` .. |FileItem| replace:: :class:`zim::writer::FileItem` .. |addMetadata| replace:: :func:`addMetadata` .. |addRedirection| replace:: :func:`addRedirection` .. |addIllustration| replace:: :func:`addIllustration` .. |HintKeys| replace:: :enum:`zim::writer::HintKeys`