Class SearchIterator

Class Documentation

class SearchIterator

A interator on search result (an Entry)

Be aware that the referenced/pointed Entry is generated and stored in the iterator itself. Once the iterator is destructed or incremented/decremented, you must NOT use the Entry.

Public Types

using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag
using value_type = Entry
using pointer = Entry*
using reference = Entry&

Public Functions

SearchIterator(const SearchIterator &it)
SearchIterator &operator=(const SearchIterator &it)
SearchIterator(SearchIterator &&it)
SearchIterator &operator=(SearchIterator &&it)
bool operator==(const SearchIterator &it) const
bool operator!=(const SearchIterator &it) const
SearchIterator &operator++()
SearchIterator operator++(int)
SearchIterator &operator--()
SearchIterator operator--(int)
std::string getPath() const
std::string getTitle() const
int getScore() const
std::string getSnippet() const
int getWordCount() const
int getSize() const
int getFileIndex() const
Uuid getZimId() const
reference operator*() const
pointer operator->() const


friend class zim::SearchResultSet