Class IndexData

Class Documentation

class IndexData

IndexData represent data of an Item to be indexed in the archive.

This is a abstract class the user need to implement. (But default Item::getIndexData returns a default implementation for IndexData which works for html content.)

Public Types

using GeoPosition = std::tuple<bool, double, double>

Public Functions

virtual ~IndexData() = default
virtual bool hasIndexData() const = 0

If the IndexData actually has data to index.

It can be used to create IndexData for all your content but discard some indexation based on some criteria.


true if the item associated to this IndexData must be indexed.

virtual std::string getTitle() const = 0

The title to use when indexing the item.

May be different than Item::getTitle(), even if most of the time it will be the same.


the title to use.

virtual std::string getContent() const = 0

The content to use when indexing the item.

This is probably the most important method of IndexData. Most item’s contents are not applicable for a direct indexation. We don’t want to index html tags or menu/footer of an article. This method allow you to return a currated plain text to indexe.


the content to use.

virtual std::string getKeywords() const = 0

The keywords to use when indexing the item.

Return a set of keywords, separated by space for the content. Keywords are indexed using a higher score than text in getContent


a string containing keywords separated by space.

virtual uint32_t getWordCount() const = 0

The number of words in the content.

This value is not directly used to index the content but it is stored in the xapian database, which may be used later to query articles.


the number of words in the item.

virtual GeoPosition getGeoPosition() const = 0

The Geographical position of the subject covered by the item. (When applicable)


a 3 tuple (true, latitude, longitude) if the item is about a geo positioned thing. a 3 tuple (false, _, _) if having a GeoPosition is not relevant.